JAKARTA - Pada Selasa (20/12/2016) malam, di tengah riuhnya politik Indonesia, tiba-tiba muncul hashtag atau tagar #telolet pada deretan trending topic Twitter.

Tagar ini bahkan mengalahkan tagar terkait sidang kasus dugaan penistaan agama dan peluncuran uang rupiah tahun emisi 2016.

Ada apa dengan telolet? Apa itu telolet?

Telolet adalah bunyi klakson bus yang sedang menjadi buruan sejumlah anak muda di Pulau Jawa.

Demi mendapatkan bunyi tersebut, mereka rela menunggu atau memburu bus di jalan raya sambil berteriak kepada sopir, "Om telolet Om".

Nah, teriakan permintaan itu rupayanya tiba-tiba menjadi bahan kicauan dua DJ ternama dunia, DJ Snake dan DJ Zeed. Sontak Telolet menjadi viral.

Tren Para Pemburu Klakson Bus Telolet Pada Instagram.

Sejumlah pemilik akun asal Indonesia ramai-ramai menulis komentar, "Om Telolet Om"  pada akun milik Zayn Malik eks One Direction. Sepertinya, mereka memaksa @zayn menulis pula ,"Om Telolet Om." Akun @ralaksmitha30 menulis, "Om telolet om."

Akun @lovesickperiod menulis, "Telolet semua gila." Akun @sithaipapuh menulis, "Om telolet om." Akun @ayunbl menulis, "OM TELOLET OM." Akun @sri.andita menulis, "OM TELOLET OM." Akun @elizabethsina_155 menulis, "OM TELOLET OM." Akun @emilianandaa menulis, "OM TELOLET OM.

Bahkan media internasional juga menulis" 'Om Telolet Om': How Viral Indonesian Meme Confused the Dance Music World. What the hell does 'om telolet om' mean?

That's the question on some of dance music's biggest minds. It happened all at once, around noon on Tuesday, Dec. 20.

Is it a new music festival's strange marketing scheme? Is it an ID song title? What the hell was going on? The mysterious phrase even made its way into mysterious posts on Reddit forums r/trap and r/EDM, still no explanation. Billboard Dance reached out to Zedd for official comment, but have so far only been told “huh?” Finally, it was The Chainsmokers that gave us befuddled masses our first clue

Okay, so “telolet” is the onomatopoeia of Indonesian city buses. Kids in Indonesia are going absolutely ape for this. It's like the biggest meme ever over there right now. Billboard Dance found this video clip of the “telolet” noise, and it does sound quite like a electronic arpeggiator. We could totally see it sampled in the next festival anthem.

But why were all the DJs tweeting it? As far as we can tell, Indonesian kids are spamming DJ's social media accounts, posting and reposting the phrase in their comment sections, Tweeting it at them directly, and just otherwise posting the phrase everywhere they turn. Why? Why do kids do anything? Is this something someone should capitalize on? Why yes, immediately. If we don't hear this sample dropped at the main stage of Ultra in Miami come March, we will be sorely disappointed. 

Here's to hoping there are some 'om telolet om' remixes to come in the very near future. Until then, honk the horn, my friends. Honk the horn.

Aktivitas para pencinta klakson "telolet" saat berburu diakui terkadang membahayakan keselamatan jiwa, baik untuk dirinya sendiri maupun pengemudi dan penumpang bus yang direkam.

Meski awalnya hanya menghadang bus di pinggir jalan raya untuk merekam gambar bus saat melaju, terkadang mereka abai terhadap keselamatan. ***